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The Study


Best Brands is unique in that it combines two distinct components to measure the strength of a brand – the emotional aspect of the brand on the one hand, and profitability on the other. And it is not the subjective opinion of a jury panel that decides the winners of the Best Brands awards, but the consumers themselves.

Best Brands is the only marketing award that measures the strength of a brand based on a representative empirical study by GfK, based on two criteria: its actual commercial success on the market (‘Share of Market’) and its appeal (‘Share of Soul’) as perceived by the consumers, who ultimately account for a brand’s future success.

The structure of the awards reflects current social and marketing trends. 

This year's survey in Poland includes as many as 40 product categories, in which some 400 brands will be surveyed and 8,000 respondents will cast their votes.

On this basis, the strongest brands on the Polish market, will be selected in 6 categories, which are closely related to the current situation on the market in terms of the economy and geopolitics, current trends, or consumer sentiment. 

Among the categories announced for the 3rd edition were four awards familiar from previous editions: Best Brand Overall, Best Polish Brand, Best Sustainability Brand and Best Life Changing Technology Brand, as well as two new ones: Beauty & Self-care Brand and Best Momentum Brand.

To find out more about brands in the top ranking, and how they achieved their position, click here.

Top 20 ranking & insights 2023


If you have any questions about the study, don´t hesitate to contact

Barbara Lewicka
Senior Director | Marketing & Consumer Intelligence
